What is Surface Mold?

Surface mold is often a problem in homes that have water damage. It can also be caused by excess humidity, lack of ventilation, or poor drainage problems.

The most common way surface mold grows is due to the release of moisture from rain or other sources into an area with nothing to penetrate and dry out. Water-damaged surfaces such as carpets, wood, drywall, and insulation are the most vulnerable to surface mold growth because these materials can absorb large amounts of water without evaporating or drying out.

Surface Mold Can Affect Your Home, Business, and Personal Property

If not appropriately remedied, surface mold growth can affect your home, business, or property in the following ways:

1. Disfigures and devalues your property.

When surface mold is left untreated, it can grow and grow. Exposed mold can start taking on many colors, from yellow-brown to green-black.

Your home, office, or business will look unsightly and unattractive, costing you money in repairs or total refurbishment of the property. Mold growth on your property also causes condensation and odors that will cause your guests to leave early or not stay at your home.

2. It makes your area more challenging to clean and maintain.

If you have surface mold growth in your home or business, you may find it challenging to maintain your premises. When surfaces are not easily accessible, this will make maintenance and cleaning much more problematic.

A quick air quality test on the premises can help you determine the extent of the problem and what steps need to be taken to rectify it. The mold growth in your home or business signifies a more pressing problem than a dirty space.

3. Spreads to other areas of your property

Surface mold growth can be spread simply by the physical movement of objects or people around the property and even through air currents. Surface mold can stick to clothing, hair, pets, and shoes and travel between rooms or areas of the house.

Once mold growth starts, it can spread quickly to other areas of your property if you do not take the necessary steps to contain it. For example, if a leak of water into an area of your home caused the water-damaged area to be exposed to air, the mold that grew there could start to grow in other rooms.

4. Air quality problems

Mold growth on surfaces such as carpets or drywall can cause mold to spread into your home’s air. This can cause breathing problems for your children and adults alike. Indoor air quality control is necessary to avoid issues like this.

The environment becomes unsafe and unhealthy to stay in, and visitors will begin to question your ability to maintain your premises. Mold has been linked to several fatal illnesses in infants, children, and adults, and these potential health risks must be actively prevented.

5. Negatively affects your residential value

If you have surface mold growth on your home’s walls, floor, or ceiling, it will devalue the property. Mold growth is a real nuisance to deal with, and people may be put-off by having to remove it from their furniture and clothing when they visit you.

Related: Residential Mold Remediation

Removing surface mold from your home can be demanding as you deal with a living organism that grows and spreads quickly.

6. Insurance can be a pain to deal with

Insurance policies that cover mold are often not very straightforward, and can be a real pain to deal with. Please look closely at your mold coverage on your homeowner’s policy. You may be surprised at how little coverage you really have.

Summary – Surface Mold Explained

Surface mold growth is a big problem. It can affect the safety of your family and visitors, devalue your property, and spread to other areas of the home or business.

It can only be possible to get rid of it with professional help. If you want to keep your home or business safe, clean, and healthy for you and your guests, take action against surface mold growth as soon as possible.